In Line Clip On Weights While trolling bucktails, if speeds get above 3 mph they can get to the point where they do not stay under water. (A blowout). Â Clipping a weight onto the bucktail will help keep it below the surface. E.G. At 5 mph, with 50 feet of line out, the rod tip just brushing the water surface and using 80 lb. test braid, a 3 oz weight kept the twin treble, twin blade bucktail about 3 feet under the water surface. You will have to experiment to get the depth you prefer but these are a truly economical way to get a bucktail to run deeper while trolling, without spending a lot more to buy a heavier weight bucktails. Â These weights can also be used on Medussa and Mattawa for a similar overall effect.
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