Custom X Lures are designed and hand crafted from cedar to be the most versatile twitch, crank, and trolling lures available. Sealed and hand painted with two coats of hand brushed epoxy makes all Custom X Lures not only beautiful but also makes them extremely durable. Wether you choose a durable aluminum lip or the traditional Lexon lip the tight swimming action of the Mini X is irresistible to game fish. With sizes ranging from the 5″ Mini X to the massive 16″ Monster Custom X, we have a size to match your every need.
The 8″ Mini X is a hand crafted cedar lure that can effectively be twitched, cranked, or trolled. Sealed and hand painted with two coats of hand brushed epoxy makes all Custom X Lures not only beautiful but also makes them extremely durable. 8″ Mini X comes standard with three 2/0 Premium Black Trident Treble Hooks.
Length 8″ Weight 3.1oz
Twitch 2′ to 5′ deep
Crank to 6′ deep
Trolling to 9′ deep
Trolls over 4mph with Lexon Lip
Trolls over 6mph with aluminum lip
The 12″ Mini X is a hand crafted cedar lure that can effectively be twitched, cranked, or trolled. Sealed and hand painted, with two coats of hand brushed epoxy makes all Custom X Lures not only beautiful but also makes them extremely durable. 12″ Mini X come standard with three 4/0 Premium Black Trident Treble Hooks.
Length 12″ Weight 7.2oz
Twitch 2′ to 7′ deep
Crank to 9′ deep
Trolling to 14′ deep
Trolling speeds over 6mph with aluminum lip
The Custom X 12″ KC is a hand crafted cedar lure that can be effectively twitched, cranked or trolled. The specially designed Lexon lip gives the 12″ KC a distinctive rolling action that is available on no other lures. Sealed, Hand painted, and two coats of hand brushed epoxy makes all Custom X Lures not only beautiful but also makes them extremely durable. 12″ KC come standard with three 5/0 Premium Black Trident Treble Hooks.
Length 12″ Weight 6.9 oz
Twitch KC 1′ to 4′ Deep
Crank KC 5′ Deep
Trolling KC 8′ Deep with 35 feet of 100 lb. test line at 4 mph.
Trolling Speeds up to 5mph
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